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Vitamin C as Immunity Booster: More is Not Always The Merrier!

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient renowned for its crucial role as an immunity booster. Its powerful antioxidant properties strengthen the immune system and provide many other benefits for optimal growth and development. Although its benefits are widely recognised, many people mistakenly believe that higher doses can supercharge immunity. Does consuming more vitamin C truly …

L-carnitine: The Fat Transporter and Its Role in Enhancing Endurance Performance

L-carnitine is one of the most talked about substance for “fat burning” because it is commonly found in many weight loss supplements. L-carnitine is also used as an ergogenic aid among athletes to optimise endurance performance and muscle recovery. Is L-carnitine effective in weight management and endurance performance? Let’s find out.    ⁠What is L-carnitine …

A Guide to Protein & Supplementation in Exercise & Sports.

Those starting an exercise routine often discuss protein as a crucial nutrient for a more effective training outcome. But what exactly makes protein so important? Understanding its role can be overwhelming, especially with the information available. This guide simplifies the essentials of protein to support your exercising body. You will better understand why it matters, …

Probiotics and Gut Health in Athletes

The athletic community has increasingly recognized gut health as another key factor in maintaining optimal performance and overall well-being of athletes. Probiotics, also known as the ‘good bacteria’, have emerged as a popular supplement for improving gut health. These microorganisms were said to offer a range of benefits, particularly for serious athletes who are often …